Shared Types
By now, we have learned how to make an editor collaborative and how to sync document updates using different providers. But we haven't covered the most unique feature of Yjs yet: Shared Types.
Shared types allow you to make every aspect of your application collaborative. For example, you could sync your react-state using shared types. You can sync diagrams, drawings, and even whole 3d worlds using shared types to automatically resolve conflicts.
Shared types are similar to common data types like Array, Map, or Set. The only difference is that they automatically sync & persist their state (using the providers) and that you can observe them.
We already learned about the Y.Text type that we "bound" to an editor instance to automatically sync a rich-text editor. Yjs supports many other shared types like Y.Array, Y.Map, and Y.Xml. A complete list, including documentation for each type, can be found in the shared types section.
Shared type instances must be connected to a Yjs document so we can sync them. First, we define a shared type on a Yjs document. Then we can manipulate it and observe changes.
The other data types work similarly to Y.Array. The complete documentation is available in the shared types section that covers each type and the event format in detail.
Shared TypesCaveats
There are some things that are not possible with shared types, but that are possible with normal data types. Most importantly, it is not possible to move a type that was inserted into a Yjs document to a different location. The other important caveat is that you shouldn't modify JSON that you inserted or retrieved from a shared type. Yjs doesn't clone the inserted objects to improve performance. So when you modify a JSON object, you will actually change the internal representation of Yjs without notifying other peers of that change.
All changes must happen in a transaction. When you mutate a shared type without creating a transaction (e.g. yarray.insert(..)
), Yjs will automatically create a transaction before manipulating the shared object. You can create transactions explicitly like this:
Event handlers and observers are called after each transaction. If possible, you should bundle as many changes in a single transaction as possible. The advantage is that you reduce expensive observer calls and create fewer updates that are sent to other peers.
Yjs fires events in the following order:
ydoc.on('beforeTransaction', event => { .. })
- Called before any transaction, allowing you to store relevant information before changes happen.Now the transaction function is executed.
ydoc.on('beforeObserverCalls', event => {})
ytype.observe(event => { .. })
- Observers are called.ytype.observeDeep(event => { .. })
- Deep observers are called.ydoc.on('afterTransaction', event => {})
- Called after each transaction.ydoc.on('update', update => { .. })
- This update message is propagated by the providers.
Especially when manipulating many objects, it makes sense to reduce the creation of update messages. So use transactions whenever possible.
Managing multiple collaborative documents in a shared type
We often want to manage multiple collaborative documents in a single Yjs document. You can manage multiple documents using shared types. In the following demo project, I implemented functionality to add & delete documents. The list of all documents is updated in real-time as well.
You could extend the above demo project to ..
.. be able to delete specific documents
.. have a collaborative document-name. You could introduce a Y.Map that holds the document-name, the document-content, and the creation-date.
.. extend the document list to a fully-fledged file system based on shared types.
Collaborative Drawing App
Shared types are not just great for collaborative editing. They are a unique kind of data structure that can be used to sync any kind of state across servers, browsers, and soon also native applications. Yjs is well suited for creating collaborative applications and gives you all the tools you need to create complex applications that can compete with Google Workspace. But shared types might be useful in high-performance computing as well for sharing state across threads; or in gaming for syncing data to remote clients directly without a roundtrip to a server. Since Yjs & shared types don't depend on a central server, these data structures are the ideal building blocks for decentralized, privacy-focused applications as well.
I hope that this section gave you some inspiration for using shared types.
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