
A shared type to manage a collection of Y.Xml* Nodes

import * as Y from 'yjs'

const ydoc = new Y.Doc()

// You can define a Y.XmlFragment as a top-level type or a nested type

// Method 1: Define a top-level type
const yxmlFragment = ydoc.getXmlFragment('my xml fragment')
// Method 2: Define Y.XmlFragment that can be included into the Yjs document
const yxmlNested = new Y.XmlFragment()

// Common methods
const yxmlText = new Y.XmlText()
yxmlFragment.insert(0, [yxmlText])
yxmlFragment.firstChild === yxmlText
yxmlFragment.insertAfter(yxmlText, [new Y.XmlElement('node-name')])
yxmlFragment.get(0) === yxmlText // => true

//show result in dev console


yxmlFragment.doc: Y.Doc | null (readonly) The Yjs document that this type is bound to. Is null when it is not bound yet.

yxmlFragment.parent: Y.AbstractType | null The parent that holds this type. Is null if this yxmlFragment is a top-level type.

yxmlFragment.firstChild: Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText | null The first child that holds this type holds. Is null if this type doesn't hold any children.

yxmlFragment.length: number The number of child-elements that this Y.XmlFragment holds.

yxmlFragment.insert(index: number, content: Array<Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText>) Insert content at a specified index. Note that - for performance reasons - content is always an array of elements. I.e. yxmlFragment.insert(0, [new Y.XmlElement()]) inserts a single element at position 0.

yxmlFragment.insertAfter(ref: Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText | null, content: Array<Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText>) Insert content after a reference element. If the reference element ref is null, then the content is inserted at the beginning.

yxmlFragment.delete(index: number, length: number) Delete length elements starting from index.

yxmlFragment.push(content: Array<Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText>) Append content at the end of the Y.XmlElement. Equivalent to yxmlFragment.insert(yxmlFragment.length, content).

yxmlFragment.unshift(content: Array<Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText>) Prepend content to the beginning of the Y.Array. Same as yxmlFragment.insert(0, content).

yxmlFragment.get(index: number): Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText Retrieve the n-th element.

yxmlFragment.slice([start: number [, end: number]]): Array<Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText> Retrieve a range of content starting from index start (inclusive) to index end (exclusive). Negative indexes can be used to indicate offsets from the end of the Y.XmlFragment. I.e. yxmlFragment.slice(-1) returns the last element. yxmlFragment.slice(0, -1) returns all but the last element. Works similarly to the Array.slice method.

yxmlFragment.toJSON(): String Retrieve the JSON representation of this type. The result is a concatenated string of XML elements.



If the fragment contains more than one XML element, the output will not be a valid XML; It will need to be placed inside a container element to be valid and parsable. Example:

const validDocument = `<wrapper>${yXmlFragment.toJSON()}</wrapper>`

yxmlFragment.createTreeWalker(filter: function(yxml: Y.XmlElement | Y.XmlText): boolean): Iterable Create an Iterable that walks through all children of this type (not only direct children). The returned iterable returns every element that the filter accepts. I.e. the following code iterates through all Y.XmlElements that have the node-name 'p'.

// Log all <p> nodes that are children of this Y.XmlFragment
for (const paragraph of yxmlFragment.createTreeWalker(yxml => yxml.nodeName === 'p')) {

yxmlFragment.clone(): Y.XmlFragment Clone all values into a fresh Y.XmlFragment instance. The returned type can be included into the Yjs document.

toDOM():DocumentFragment Transforms this type and all children to new DOM elements.

yxmlFragment.observe(function(Y.XmlEvent, Transaction)) Registers a change observer that will be called synchronously every time this shared type is modified. In the case this type is modified in the observer call, the event listener will be called again after the current event listener returns.

yxmlFragment.unobserve(function) Unregisters a change observer that has been registered with yxmlFragment.observe.

yxmlFragment.observeDeep(function(Array<Y.Event>, Transaction)) Registers a change observer that will be called synchronously every time this type or any of its children is modified. In the case this type is modified in the event listener, the event listener will be called again after the current event listener returns. The event listener receives all Events created by itself and any of its children.

yxmlFragment.unobserveDeep(function) Unregisters a change observer that has been registered with yxmlFragment.observeDeep.

Observing changes: Y.XmlEvent

The yxmlFragment.observe callback fires Y.XmlEvent events that you can use to calculate the changes that happened during a transaction. We use an adaption of the Quill delta format to calculate insertions & deletions of child-elements. You can find more examples and information about the delta format in our Y.Event API.

yxmlFragment.observe(yxmlElent => {
  yxmlEvent.target === yarray // => true

  // Observe when child-elements are added or deleted. 
  // Log the Xml-Delta Format to calculate the difference to the last observe-event

yxmlFragment.insert(0, [new Y.XmlText()]) // => [{ insert: [yxmlText] }]
yxmlFragment.delete(0, 1) // [{ delete: 1 }]

Y.XmlEvent API


See Y.Event API. The API is inherited from Y.Event.I'm still in the process of moving the documentation to this place. For now, you can find the API docs in the README:

Last updated

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